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5 Ideas For A Civil Society

There are 2 realms of reality. 1st is the natural world. 
Something we have survived in for millennium. This is might makes right. Power and strength are everything.  If you can take it, it's yours. 

The other is a civil society. Where we work together, with common goals. To trade, build and live by one another with relatively peace and equality.  Where we all are allowed to thrive. 


Ideas for us all. 


We all should strive for freedom of Thought, Religion, Love, Life, To pursue ones dreams and ambitions, and hopefully ones meaning. That we are free as long as our freedom do not impede anyone else's.  Freedom is the greatest idea in a civil society. It is the first we  loose to tyranny. 



You should respect first yourself. Respect our parents, our children and our peers. One should be respectful of others and our planet. Respect should be earned, but offered when possible. We should respect the ideas of others as long as they are not impeding yours. 



You are First and foremost Responsible for Yourself, Your Actions, Your future and your health. You should be responsible to your family. You are responsible to help and support your community. and then, to help your nation.  This should be the direction of our focus



Without law, we do not have a civil society. Laws should ensure our ability for freedom, respect, and responsibility. If a law takes away any of these, we should strive to change it legally. Understanding that laws should be all our responsibilities.


Limitation of Power

The hardest of all. Power corrupts, absolute power corrupts absolutely. It is in our nature to strive for such things.  We must all work together to keep governance as close to home as possible. Power requires a strong morality to resist the temptations. Power should be held only with those that are accountable for such power. 

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